The History of a Crime

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He is a polecat."  
He is a hyena."  
There is probably some exaggeration in these three answers.  
A fourth Belgian whom I need not specify confined himself to saying to  
"He is a beast."  
As to his public functions, Baron Hody was what they call at Brussels  
The Administrator of Public Safety;" that is to say, a counterfeit of  
the Prefect of Police, half Carlier, half Maupas.  
Thanks to Baron Hody, who has since left the place, and who, moreover,  
like M. de Montalembert, was a "mere Jesuit," the Belgian police at that  
moment was a compound of the Russian and Austrian police. I have read  
strange confidential letters of this Baron Hody. In action and in style  
there is nothing more cynical and more repulsive than the Jesuit police,  
when they unveil their secret treasures. These are the contents of the  
unbuttoned cassock.  
At the time of which we are speaking (December, 1851), the Clerical  
party had joined itself to all the forms of Monarchy; and this Baron  
Hody confused Orleanism with Legitimate right. I simply tell the tale.  
Nothing more.  

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