The History of a Crime

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In the meantime Cournet was well aware that on arriving he would be shot  
in the very courtyard of the Prefecture. He had resolved not to go  
At a turning in the Rue St Antoine he glanced behind, and noticed that  
the sergents de ville only followed the fiacre at a considerable  
Not one of the four men which the fiacre was bearing away had as yet  
opened their lips.  
Cournet threw a meaning look at his two companions seated in front of  
him, as much as to say, "We are three; let us take advantage of this to  
escape." Both answered by an imperceptible movement of the eyes, which  
pointed out the street full of passers-by, and which said, "No."  
A few moments afterwards the fiacre emerged from the Rue St. Antoine,  
and entered the Rue de Fourcy. The Rue de Fourcy is usually deserted, no  
one was passing down it at that moment.  
Cournet turned suddenly to the police spy, and asked him,--  
Have you a warrant for my arrest?"  
No; but I have my card."  
And he drew his police agent's card out of his pocket, and showed it to  
Cournet. Then the following dialogue ensued between these two men,--  

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