The History of a Crime

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You do not know what exile is. I do know it. It is terrible. Assuredly,  
I would not begin it again. Death is a bourne whence no one comes back,  
exile is a place whither no one returns."  
If necessary," I said to him, "I will go, and I will return to it."  
Better die. To quit life is nothing, but to quit one's country--"  
Alas!" said I, "that is every thing."  
Well, then, why accept exile when it is in your power to avoid it? What  
do you place above your country?"  
This answer made him thoughtful. However, he resumed.  
But on reflection your conscience will approve of what you will have  
I have told you. Because my conscience is so constituted that it puts  
nothing above itself. I feel it upon me as the headland can feel the  
lighthouse which is upon it. All life is an abyss, and conscience  

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