The History of a Crime

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her. I am right, therefore, in saying that by what I am proposing to you  
I am saving my family and my country."  
But," I said to him, "what you propose to me is a coup d'état."  
Do you think so?"  
Without doubt. We are the minority, and we should commit an act which  
belongs to the majority. We are a part of the Assembly. We should be  
acting as though we were the entire Assembly. We who condemn all  
usurpation should ourselves become usurpers. We should put our hands upon  
a functionary whom the Assembly alone has the right of arresting. We, the  
defenders of the Constitution, we should break the Constitution. We, the  
men of the Law, we should violate the Law. It is a coup d'état."  
Yes, but a coup d'état for a good purpose."  
Evil committed for a good purpose remains evil."  
Even when it succeeds?"  
Above all when it succeeds."  
Because it then becomes an example."  
You do not then approve of the Eighteenth Fructidor?"  

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