The History of a Crime

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He looked at me fixedly.  
Well, then, have the President arrested this night."  
It was now my turn to look at him.  
What do you mean?"  
What I say."  
I ought to state that his language was frank, resolute, and  
self-convinced, and that during the whole of this conversation, and now,  
and always, it has given me the impression of honesty.  
"Arrest the President!" I cried.  
Then he set forth that this extraordinary enterprise was an easy matter;  
that the Army was undecided; that in the Army the African Generals  
counterpoised the President; that the National Guard favored the  
Assembly, and in the Assembly the Left; that Colonel Forestier answered  
for the 8th Legion; Colonel Gressier for the 6th, and Colonel Howyne for  
the 5th; that at the order of the Sixteen of the Left there would be an  
immediate taking up of arms; that my signature would suffice; that,  
nevertheless, if I preferred to call together the Committee, in Secret  
Session, we could wait till the next day; that on the order from the  
Sixteen, a battalion would march upon the Elysée; that the Elysée  
apprehended nothing, thought only of offensive, and not of defensive  

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