The History of a Crime

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It is known that the Bonaparte family is divided into two branches, the  
Imperial family and the private family. The Imperial family had the  
tradition of Napoleon, the private family had the tradition of Lucien: a  
shade of difference which, however, had no reality about it.  
My midnight visitor took the other corner of the fireplace.  
He began by speaking to me of the memoirs of a very highminded and  
virtuous woman, the Princess ----, his mother, the manuscript of which he  
had confided to me, asking my advice as to the utility or the suitability  
of their publication; this manuscript, besides being full of interest,  
possessed for me a special charm, because the handwriting of the Princess  
resembled my mother's handwriting. My visitor, to whom I gave it back,  
turned over the leaves for a few moments, and then suddenly interrupting  
himself, he turned to me and said,--  
The Republic is lost."  
I answered,--  
He resumed,--  
Unless you save it."  

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