The History of a Crime

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two, into the Place de la Madeleine. You can see that Colonel before that  
large flight of steps, with his regiment in battle array; we will go to  
him, and there, before his soldiers, I will summon him to come over to  
the side of duty, and to restore his regiment to the Republic. If he  
refuses ..."  
Charamaule took his two pistols in his hands.  
... I will blow out his brains."  
Charamaule," said I, "I will be by your side."  
I knew that well," Charamaule said to me.  
He added,--  
This explosion will awaken the people."  
But," several cried out, "suppose it does not awaken them?"  
We shall die."  
I am on your side," said I to him.  
We each pressed the other's hand. But objections burst forth.  
No one trembled, but all criticised the proposal. Would it not be  
madness? And useless madness? Would it not be to play the last card of  

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