The History of a Crime

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DE MORNY, Minister of the Interior."  
There was besides a list of the "provisionally exiled," on which figured  
Edward Quinet, Victor Chauffour, General Laidet, Pascal Duprat, Versigny,  
Antony Thouret, Thiers, Girardin, and Rémusat. Four Representatives,  
Mathé, Greppo, Marc-Dufraisse, and Richardet, were added to the list of  
the "expelled." Representative Miot was reserved for the tortures of the  
casemates of Africa. Thus in addition to the massacres, the victory of  
the coup d'état was paid for by these figures: eighty-eight  
Representatives proscribed, one killed.  
I usually dined at Brussels in a café, called the Café des Mille  
Colonnes, which was frequented by the exiles. On the 10th of January I  
had invited Michel de Bourges to lunch, and we were sitting at the same  
table. The waiter brought me the Moniteur Français; I glanced over it.  
"Ah," said I, "here is the list of the proscribed." I ran my eye over it,  
and I said to Michel de Bourges, "I have a piece of bad news to tell  
you." Michel de Bourges turned pale. I added, "You are not on the list."  
His face brightened.  
Michel de Bourges, so dauntless in the face of death, was faint-hearted  
in the face of exile.  

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