The History of a Crime

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Michel said to me,--  
"Hugo, what will you do?"  
I answered him,--  
That also is my opinion," said he.  
Numerous representatives arrived, and amongst others Pierre Lefranc,  
Labrousse, Théodore Bac, Noël Parfait, Arnauld (de l'Ariége), Demosthenes  
Ollivier, an ex-Constituent, and Charamaule. There was deep and  
unutterable indignation, but no useless words were spoken.  
All were imbued with that manly anger whence issue great resolutions.  
They talked. They set forth the situation. Each brought forward the news  
which he had learnt.  
Théodore Bac came from Léon Faucher, who lived in the Rue Blanche. It  
was he who had awakened Léon Faucher, and had announced the news to him.  
The first words of Léon Faucher were, "It is an infamous deed."  
From the first moment Charamaule displayed a courage which, during  
the four days of the struggle, never flagged for a single instant.  
Charamaule is a very tall man, possessed of vigorous features and  
convincing eloquence; he voted with the Left, but sat with the Right.  

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