The History of a Crime

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At Mazas, Chambolle, on the second night of his incarceration, heard  
from midnight till five o'clock in the morning, such volleys that he  
thought the prison was attacked.  
Like Montferrier, Desmoulins bore evidence to blood between the  
paving-stones of the Rue de Jérusalem.  
Lieutenant-Colonel Cailland, of the ex-Republican Guard, is crossing the  
Pont Neuf; he sees some sergents de ville with muskets to their  
shoulders, aiming at the passers-by; he says to them, "You dishonor the  
uniform." They arrest him. They search him. A sergent de ville says to  
him, "If we find a cartridge upon you, we shall shoot you." They find  
nothing. They take him to the Prefecture of Police, they shut him up in  
the station-house. The director of the station-house comes and says to  
him, "Colonel, I know you well. Do not complain of being here. You are  
confided to my care. Congratulate yourself on it. Look here, I am one of  
the family, I go and I come, I see, I listen; I know what is going on; I  
know what is said; I divine what is not said. I hear certain noises  
during the night; I see contain traces in the morning. As for myself I  
am not a bad fellow. I am taking care of you. I am keeping you out of  
the way. At the present moment be contented to remain with me. If you  
were not here you would be underground."  
An ex-magistrate, General Leflô's brother-in-law, is conversing on the  
Pont de la Concorde with some officers before the steps of the Chamber;  
some policemen come up to him: "You are tampering with the army." He  
protests, they throw him into a vehicle, and they take him to the  
Prefecture of Police. As he arrives there he sees a young man, in a  

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