The History of a Crime

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last rank of the soldiers who formed the line, and the first rank of the  
company which closed the procession.  
As they reached the lonely boulevard of Gros-Caillon, of which we have  
just spoken, the sergeant drew near to the prisoner, and said to him in  
a rapid and low tone,--  
"One can hardly see here. It is a dark spot. On the left there are  
trees. Be off!"  
But," said the prisoner, "they will fire at me."  
They will miss you."  
But suppose they kill me?"  
It will be no worse than what awaits you."  
The prisoner understood, shook the sergeant's hand, and taking advantage  
of the space between the line of soldiers and rear-ground, rushed with a  
single bound outside the column, and disappeared in the darkness beneath  
the trees.  
"A man is escaping!" cried out the officer who commanded the last  
company. "Halt! Fire!"  
The column halted. The rear-guard company fired at random in the  
direction taken by the fugitive, and, as the sergeant had foreseen,  

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