The History of a Crime

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ranging from the Rue du Petit Carreau to the Rue du Temple, there was  
fighting. The Pagevin, Neuve Saint Eustache, Montorgueil, Rambuteau,  
Beaubourg, and Transnonain barricades were gallantly defended. There,  
there was an impenetrable network of streets and crossways barricaded by  
the People, surrounded by the Army.  
The assault was merciless and furious.  
The barricade of the Rue Montorgueil was one of those which held out the  
longest. A battalion and artillery was needed to carry it. At the last  
moment it was only defended by three men, two shop-clerks and a  
lemonade-seller of an adjoining street. When the assault began the night  
was densely dark, and the three combatants escaped. But they were  
surrounded. No outlets. Not one door was open. They climbed the grated  
gateway of the Passage Verdeau as Jeanty Sarre and Charpentier had  
scaled the Passage du Saumon, had jumped over, and had fled down the  
Passage. But the other grated gateway was closed, and like Jeanty Sarre  
and Charpentier they had no time to climb it. Besides, they heard the  
soldiers corning on both sides. In a corner at the entrance of the  
Passage there were a few planks which had served to close a stall, and  
which the stall-keeper was in the habit of putting there. They hid  
themselves beneath these planks.  
The soldiers who had taken the barricade, after having searched the  
streets, bethought themselves of searching the Passage. They also  
climbed over the grated gateway, looked about everywhere with lanterns,  
and found nothing They were going away, when one of them perceived the  
foot of one of these three unfortunate men which was projecting from  

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