The History of a Crime

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regret. Did we not love each other clearly, my darling? We had no  
secret from each other because we had no need to have one, and our  
lips uttered the thoughts of our hearts without our thinking to keep  
anything back.  
"God has snatched away from us all these blessings, and nothing will  
console me for having lost them; do you not lament with me the evils  
of absence?  
"How seldom we see those whom we love! Circumstances take us far from  
them, and our soul tormented and attracted out of ourselves lives in  
a perpetual anguish. I feel this sickness of absence. I imagine  
myself wherever you are. I follow your work with my eyes, or I listen  
to your words, seated beside you and seeking to divine the word which  
you are about to utter; your sisters sew by our side. Empty  
dreams--illusions of a moment--my hand seeks yours; where are you, my  
beloved one?  
"My life is an exile. Far from those whom I love and by whom I am  
loved, my heart calls them and consumes away in its grief. No, I do  
not love the great cities and their noise, towns peopled with  
strangers where no one knows you and where you know no one, where  
each one jostles and elbows the other without ever exchanging a  
smile. But I love our quiet fields, the peace of home, and the voice  
of friends who greet you. Up to the present I have always lived in  
contradiction with my nature; my fiery blood, my nature so hostile to  
injustice, the spectacle of unmerited miseries have thrown me into a  
struggle of which I do not foresee the issue, a struggle in which  

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