The History of a Crime

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soldiers fell. They could hear the cries of the wounded. The battalion,  
riddled with balls, halted and replied by platoon firing.  
Seven or eight combatants whose bodies reached above the barricade,  
which had been made hastily and was too low were hit. Three were killed  
on the spot. One fell wounded by a ball in his stomach, between Jeanty  
Sarre and Charpentier. He shrieked out with pain.  
Quick, to the ambulance:" said Jeanty Sarre.  
In the Rue du Cadran."  
Jeanty Sarre and Charpentier picked up the wounded man, the one by the  
feet, the other by the head, and carried him to the du Cadran  
through the passage in the barricade.  
During all this time there was continued file firing. There no longer  
seemed anything in the street but smoke, the balls whistling and  
crossing each other, the brief and repeated commands, some plaintive  
cries, and the flash of the guns lighting up the darkness.  
Suddenly a loud void died out, "Forwards!" The battalion resumed its  
double-quick march and threw itself upon the barricade.  
Then ensued a horrible scene. They fought hand to hand, four hundred on  
the one side, fifty on the other. They seized each other by the collar,  

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