The History of a Crime

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reached it, he was walking towards it with his arms stretched out like  
Suddenly the word of command, "Fire!" was heard.  
A fusillade burst forth.  
They had fired upon Dussoubs when he was at the muzzles of their guns.  
Dussoubs fell.  
Then he raised himself and cried, "Long live the Republic!"  
Another bullet struck him, he fell again. Then they saw him raise  
himself once more, and heard him shout in a loud voice, "I die with the  
These were his last words.  
In this manner died Denis Dussoubs.  
It was not vainly that he had said to his brother, "Your sash will be  
He was anxious that this sash should do its duty. He determined in the  
depths of his great soul that this sash should triumph either through  
the law or through death.  

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