The History of a Crime

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What have you come to do here? You and ourselves, all of us who are in  
this street, at this hour, with the sword or gun in hand, what are we  
about to do? To kill each other! To kill each other, citizens! Why?  
Because they have raised a misunderstanding between us! Because we  
obey--you your discipline--we our Right! You believe that you are  
carrying out your instructions; as for us, we know that we are doing our  
duty. Yes! it is Universal Suffrage, it is the Right of the Republic, it  
is our Right that we are defending, and our Right, soldiers, is your  
Right. The Army is the People, as the People is the Army. We are the  
same nation, the some country, the same men. My God! See, is there any  
Russian blood in my veins, in me who am speaking to you? Is there any  
Prussian blood in your veins, in you who are listening to me? No! Why  
then should we fight? It is always an unfortunate thing for a man to  
fire upon a man. Nevertheless, a gun-shot between a Frenchman and an  
Englishman can be understood; but between a Frenchman and a Frenchman,  
ah! that wounds Reason, that wounds France, that wounds our mother!"  
All anxiously listened to him. At this moment from the opposite  
barricade a voice shouted to him,--  
"Go home, then!"  
At this coarse interruption an angry murmur ran through Denis's  
companions, and several guns could be heard being loaded. Denis  
restrained them by a sign.  
This sign possessed a strange authority.  

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