The History of a Crime

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They were not mistaken. It was well defended. We have already said that  
there were only six men in this barricade, the six workmen who had built  
it. Of the six one only had three cartridges, the others had only two  
shots to fire. These six men heard the regiment advancing and the roll  
of the battery which was followed on it, and did not stir. Each remained  
silent at his post of battle, the barrel of his gun between two  
paving-stones. When the soldiers were within range they fired, and the  
battalion replied.  
That is right. Rage away, Red Breeches," said, laughingly, the man who  
had three shots to fire.  
Behind them, the men of the Petit Carreau were crowded round Denis and  
Jeanty Sarre, and leaning on the crest of their barricade, stretching  
their necks towards the Mauconseil redoubt, they watched them like the  
gladiators of the next combat.  
The six men of this Mauconseil redoubt resisted the onslaught of the  
battalion for nearly a quarter of an hour. They did not fire together,  
"in order," one of them said, "to make the pleasure last the longer."  
The pleasure of being killed for duty; a noble sentence in this  
workman's mouth. They did not fall back into the adjoining streets until  
after having exhausted their ammunition. The last, he who had three  
cartridges, did not leave until the soldiers were actually scaling the  
summit of the barricade.  
In the barricade of the Petit Carreau not a word was spoken; they  

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