The History of a Crime

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pursued. The butchery of the boulevard was beginning. The generals  
employed in the massacre had suspended fighting for awhile.  
The fugitives of the boulevard streamed in their direction, but when  
they perceived the barricade they turned back. Some, however, joined  
them indignant, and crying out for vengeance. One who lived in the  
neighborhood ran home and brought back a little tin barrel full of  
These were sufficient for an hour's fighting. They began to construct a  
barricade at the corner of the Rue du Cadran. In this manner the Rue du  
Petit Carreau, closed by two barricades, one towards the Rue de ClĂ©ry,  
the other at the corner of the Rue du Cadran, commanded the whole of the  
Rue Montorgueil. The space between these two barricades formed a perfect  
citadel. The second barricade was stronger than the first.  
These men nearly all wore coats. Some of them rolled the paving-stones  
with gloves on.  
Few workmen were amongst them, but those who were there were intelligent  
and energetic. These workmen were what might be termed the "pick of the  
Jeanty Sarre had rejoined them; he at once became their leader.  
Charpentier accompanied him, too brave to abandon the enterprise, but  
too much a dreamer to become a commander.  

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