The History of a Crime

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"Have you another gun?" asked the last-maker of the taller of the two  
"If we had three guns we should be three men," answered the workman.  
The little one added, "Do you think that the good will is wanting? There  
are plenty of musicians, but there are no clarionets."  
By the side of the wooden paling could be seen a little, narrow and low  
door, which looked more like the door of a stall than the door of a  
shop. The shop to which this door belonged was hermetically sealed. The  
door seemed to be equally closed. The last-maker went up to it and  
pushed it gently. It was open.  
Let us go in," he said.  
I went in first, he followed me, and shut the door behind me. We were in  
a room on the ground floor. At the end, on the left, a half-opened door  
emitted the reflection of a light. The room was only lighted by this  
reflection. A counter and a species of stove, painted in black and  
white, could be dimly distinguished.  
A short, half-suffocated, intermittent gurgling could be heard, which  
seemed to come from an adjoining room on the same side as the light. The  
last-maker walked quickly to the half-opened door. I crossed the room  
after him, and we found ourselves in a sort of vast shed, lighted by one  
candle. We were on the other side of the plank paling. There was only  
the plank paling between ourselves and the barricade.  

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