The History of a Crime

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moments I was under the Colbert Arcade. I peered into the darkness. No  
one was under the Arcade.  
I felt that it was impossible to remain there, and have the appearance  
of waiting about; near the Colbert Arcade there is a police-station, and  
the patrols were passing every moment. I plunged into the street. I  
found no one there. I went as far as the Rue Vivienne. At the corner of  
the Rue Vivienne a man was stopping before a placard and was trying to  
deface it or to tear it down. I drew near this man, who probably took me  
for a police agent, and who fled at the top of his speed. I retraced my  
steps. Near the Colbert Arcade, and just as I reached the point in the  
street where they post the theatrical bills, a workman passed me, and  
said quickly, "What is Joseph doing?"  
I recognized the last-maker.  
"Come," he said to me.  
We set out without speaking and without appearing to know each other, he  
walking some steps before me.  
We first went to two addresses, which I cannot mention here without  
pointing out victims for the proscription. In these two houses we got no  
news; no one had come there on the part of the societies.  
Let us go to the third place," said the last-maker, and he explained to  
me that they had settled among them three successive meeting-places, in  
case of need, so as to be always sure of finding each other if,  

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