The History of a Crime

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was now "His Majesty." They drank, they smoked like the soldiers on the  
boulevards; for having slaughtered throughout the day, they drank  
throughout the night; wine flowed upon the blood. At the Elysée they  
were amazed at the result. They were enraptured; they loudly expressed  
their admiration. "What a capital idea the Prince had had! How well the  
thing had been managed! This was much better than flying the country, by  
Dieppe, like D'Haussez; or by Membrolle, like Guernon-Ranville; or being  
captured, disguised as a footboy, and blacking the boots of Madame de  
Saint Fargeau, like poor Polignac!" "Guizot was no cleverer than  
Polignac," exclaimed Persigny. Fleury turned to Morny: "Your theorists  
would not have succeeded in a coup d'état." "That is true, they were  
not particularly vigorous," answered Morny. He added, "And yet they were  
clever men,--Louis Philippe, Guizot, Thiers--" Louis Bonaparte, taking  
his cigarette from his lips, interrupted, "If such are clever men, I  
would rather be an ass--"  
"A hyena in an ass's skin," says History.  
24] No. 20, Cité Rodier.  
25] Rue Caumartin.  

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