The History of a Crime

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Suddenly a window was opened.  
Upon Hell.  
Dante, had he leaned over the summit of the shadow, would have been able  
to see the eighth circle of his poem; the funereal Boulevard Montmartre.  
Paris, a prey to Bonaparte; a monstrous spectacle. The gloomy armed men  
massed together on this boulevard felt an appalling spirit enter into  
them; they ceased to be themselves, and became demons.  
There was no longer a single French soldier, but a host of indefinable  
phantoms, carrying out a horrible task, as though in the glimmering  
light of a vision.  
There was no longer a flag, there was no longer law, there was no longer  
humanity, there was no longer a country, there was no longer France;  
they began to assassinate.  
The Schinderhannes division, the brigades of Mandrin, Cartouche,  
Poulailler, Trestaillon, and Tropmann appeared in the gloom, shooting  
down and massacring.  

440 441 442 443 444

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