The History of a Crime

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The resignation and the dismissal crossed on the way. By this word  
dismissal" must be understood the withdrawal of employment.  
According to our existing military laws it is in this manner that they  
now "break" an officer. Withdrawal of employment, that is to say, no  
more service, no more pay; poverty.  
Simultaneously with his dismissal, Scipio Dumas learnt the news of the  
attack on the barricade of the Rue Aumaire, and that his brother had  
both his legs broken. In the fever of events he had been a week without  
news of Ossian. Scipio had confined himself to writing to his brother  
to inform him of his vote and of his dismissal, and to induce him to do  
His brother wounded! His brother at the Val-de. GrĂ¢ce! He left  
immediately for Paris.  
He hastened to the hospital. They took him to Ossian's bedside. The  
poor young fellow had had both his legs amputated on the preceding day.  
At the moment when Scipio, stunned, appeared at his bedside, Ossian  
held in his hand the cross which General Saint-Arnaud had just sent  
The wounded man turned towards the aide-de-camp who had brought it, and  
said to him,--  

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