The History of a Crime

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the combat began. The 16th, which formed part of the Herbillon Brigade,  
was told off to capture the barricades of the Rues Beaubourg,  
Trausnonain, and Aumaire. This battle-field was formidable; a perfect  
square of barricades had been raised there.  
It was by the Rue Aumaire, and with the regiment of which Ossian formed  
part, that the military leaders resolved to begin action.  
At the moment when the regiment, with arms loaded, was about to march  
upon the Rue Aumaire, Ossian Dumas went up to his captain, a brave and  
veteran officer, with whom he was a favorite, and declared that he  
would not march a step farther, that the deed of the 2d of December was  
a crime, that Louis Bonaparte was a traitor, that it was for them,  
soldiers, to maintain the oath which Bonaparte violated; and that, as  
for himself, he would not lend his sword to the butchery of the  
A halt was made. The signal of attack was awaited; the two officers,  
the old captain and the young lieutenant, conversed in a low tone.  
And what do you want to do?" asked the captain.  
Break my sword."  
You will be taken to Vincennes."  
That is all the same to me."  

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