The History of a Crime

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flour-cart the barricade was lofty, and reached to the first story of  
the houses. It intersected the faubourg at the corner of the little Rue  
Saint Jean. A narrow entrance had been contrived at the barricade at  
the corner of the street.  
"One barricade is not sufficient," said Doutre, "we must place the  
Mairie between two barriers, so as to be able to defend both sides at  
the same time."  
They constructed a second barricade, facing the summit of the faubourg.  
This one was low and weakly built, being composed only of planks and of  
paving-stones. There was about a hundred paces distance between the two  
There were three hundred men in this space. Only one hundred had guns.  
The majority had only one cartridge.  
The firing began about ten o'clock. Two companies of the line appeared  
and fired several volleys. The attack was only a feint. The barricade  
replied, and made the mistake of foolishly exhausting its ammunition.  
The troops retired. Then the attack began in earnest. Some Chasseurs de  
Vincennes emerged from the corner of the boulevard.  
Following out the African mode of warfare, they glided along the side  
of the walls, and then, with a run, they threw themselves upon the  
No more ammunition in the barricade. No quarter to be expected.  

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