The History of a Crime

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like Baudin, by a ball in his eye. The leader of the barricade suddenly  
noticed that he was alone with Pierre Tissié, and a boy of fourteen  
years old, the same who had rolled so many stones for the barricade. A  
third attack was pending, and the soldiers began to advance by the side  
of the houses.  
"Let us go," said the leader of the barricade.  
"I shall remain," said Pierre Tissié.  
"And I also," said the boy.  
And the boy added,--  
I have neither father nor mother. As well this as anything else."  
The leader fired his last shot, and retired like the others over the  
lower part of the barricade. A volley knocked off his hat. He stooped  
down and picked it up again. The soldiers were not more than  
twenty-five paces distant.  
He shouted to the two who remained,--  
Come along!"  
No," said Pierre Tissié.  
No," said the boy.  

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