The History of a Crime

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aloud the names of the 120 signatories, and, still more than on the day  
before, each significant or celebrated name was hailed with applause.  
The crowd increased every moment--and the anger. The entire Rue Saint  
Denis presented the strange aspect of a street with all the doors and  
windows closed, and all the inhabitants in the open air. Look at the  
houses, there is death; look at the street, it is the tempest.  
Some fifty determined men suddenly emerged from a side alley, and  
began to run through the streets, saying, "To arms! Long live the  
Representatives of the Left! Long live the Constitution!" The disarming  
of the National Guards began. It was carried out more easily than on  
the preceding evening. In less than an hour more than 150 muskets had  
been obtained.  
In the meanwhile the street became covered with barricades.  

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