The History of a Crime

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to concentrate in our own quarters." And Serrière, in announcing this  
fact, added, "Something is in preparation."  
I had had since the previous night several conversations with Georges  
Biscarrat, an honest and brave man, of whom I shall have occasion to  
speak hereafter. I had given him rendezvous at No. 19, Rue Richelieu.  
Many persons came and went during this morning of the 4th from No. 15,  
where we deliberated, to No. 19, where I slept.  
As I left this honest and courageous man in the street I saw M. Mérimée,  
his exact opposite, coming towards me.  
"Oh!" said M. Mérimée, "I was looking for you."  
I answered him,--  
I hope you will not find me."  
He held out his hand to me, and I turned my back on him.  
I have not seen him since. I believe he is dead.  
In speaking one day in 1847 with Mérimée about Morny, we had the  
following conversation:--Mérimée said, "M. de Morny has a great future  
before him." And he asked me, "Do you know him?"  
I answered,--  

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