The History of a Crime

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Fortoul knows all the spars, including the 'greased pole.'"  
There were some Auvergants there. Two. They hated each other. One had  
nicknamed the other "the melancholy tinker."  
There was Sainte-Beuve, a distinguished but inferior man, having a  
pardonable fondness for ugliness. A great critic like Cousin is a great  
There was Troplong, who had had Dupin for Procurator, and whom Dupin had  
had for President. Dupin, Troplong; the two side faces of the mask placed  
upon the brow of the law.  
There was Abbatucci; a conscience which let everything pass by. To-day a  
There was the AbbĂ© M----, later on Bishop of Nancy, who emphasized with a  
smile the oaths of Louis Bonaparte.  
There were the frequenters of a famous box at the Opera, Montg---- and  
Sept----, placing at the service of an unscrupulous prince the deep side  
of frivolous men.  
There was Romieu--the outline of a drunkard behind a Red spectre.  
There was Malitourne--not a bad friend, coarse and sincere.  
There was Cuch----, whose name caused hesitation amongst the ushers at  

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