The History of a Crime

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And Bonaparte had smiled, and muttered under his moustache, "That is  
only fair."  
Another anecdote from Morny also amused him. This was Cavaignac's anger  
on entering his cell at Mazas. There is an aperture at the door of each  
cell, called the "spy-hole," through which the prisoners are played the  
spy upon unknown to themselves. The jailers had watched Cavaignac. He had  
begun by pacing up and down with folded arms, and then the space being  
too confined, he had seated himself on the stool in his cell. These  
stools are narrow pieces of plank upon three converging legs, which  
pierce the seat in the centre, and project beyond the plank, so that one  
is uncomfortably seated. Cavaignac had stood up, and with a violent kick  
had sent the stool to the other end of the cell. Then, furious and  
swearing, he had broken with a blow of his fist the little table of five  
inches by twelve, which, with the stool, formed the sole furniture of the  
This kick and fisticuff amused Louis Bonaparte.  
"And Maupas is as frightened as ever," said Morny. This made Bonaparte  
laugh still further.  
Morny having given in his report, went away. Louis Bonaparte entered an  
adjoining room; a woman awaited him there. It appears that she came to  
entreat mercy for some one. Dr. Conneau heard these expressive words:  
Madam, I wink at your loves; do you wink at my hatreds."  

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