The History of a Crime

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During the morning Dr. Yvan met Dr. Conneau. They were acquainted. They  
talked together. Yvan belonged to the Left. Conneau belonged to the  
Elysée. Yvan knew through Conneau the details of what had taken place  
during the night at the Elysée, which he transmitted to us.  
One of these details was the following:--  
An inexorable decree had been compiled, and was about to be placarded.  
This decree enjoined upon all submission to the coup d'état.  
Saint-Arnaud, who, as Minister of War, should sign the decree, had drawn  
it up. He had reached the last paragraph, which ran thus: "Whoever shall  
be detected constructing a barricade, posting a placard of the  
ex-Representatives, or reading it, shall be...." here Saint-Arnaud had  
paused; Morny had shrugged his shoulders, had snatched the pen from his  
hand, and written "shot!"  
Other matters had been decided, but these were not recorded.  
Various pieces of information came in in addition to these.  
A National Guard, named Boillay de Dole, had formed one of the Guard at  
the Elysée, on the night of the 3d and 4th. The windows of Louis  

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