The History of a Crime

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Duputz, a few hours later, received from our hands a duplicate of the  
decree, with the charge to take it himself to the Concièrgerie as soon  
as the surprise which we premeditated upon the Prefecture of Police and  
the Hôtel de Ville should have succeeded. Unhappily this surprise  
Landrin came in. His duties in Paris in 1848 had enabled him to know the  
whole body of the political and municipal police. He warned us that he  
had seen suspicious figures roving about the neighborhood. We were in the  
Rue Richelieu, almost opposite the Théâtre Français, one of the points  
where passers-by are most numerous, and in consequence one of the points  
most carefully watched. The goings and comings of the Representatives  
who were communicating with the Committee, and who came in and out  
unceasingly, would be inevitably noticed, and would bring about a visit  
from the Police. The porters and the neighbors already manifested an  
evil-boding surprise. We ran, so Landrin declared and assured us, the  
greatest danger. "You will be taken and shot," said he to us.  
He entreated us to go elsewhere. M. Grévy's brother, consulted by us,  
stated that he could not answer for the people of his house.  
But what was to be done? Hunted now for two days, we had exhausted the  
goodwill of nearly everybody, one refuge had been refused on the  
preceding evening, and at this moment no house was offered to us. Since  
the night of the 2d we had changed our refuge seventeen times, at times  
going from one extremity of Paris to the other. We began to experience  
some weariness. Besides, as I have already said, the house where we were  
had this signal advantage--a back outlet upon the Rue Fontaine-Molière.  

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