The History of a Crime

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notes of them.  
The Sieur Duponceau was sharply castigated while holding this review.  
"M. Duponceau," said M. Vatimesnil to him, "I always thought you an  
idiot, but I believed you to be an honest man."  
The severest rebuke was administered by Antony Thouret. He looked Sieur  
Duponceau in the face, and said to him, "You deserve to be named Dupin."  
The Usher in truth was worthy of being the President, and the President  
was worthy of being the Usher.  
The flock having been counted, the classification having been made,  
there were found to be thirteen goats: ten Representatives of the Left;  
Eugène Sue, Esquires, Antony Thouret, Pascal Duprat, Chanay, Fayolle,  
Paulin Durrien, Benoit, Tamisier, Tailard Latérisse, and three members  
of the Right, who since the preceding day had suddenly become Red in the  
eyes of the coups d'état; Oudinot, Piscatory, and Thuriot de la  
They confined these separately, and they set at liberty one by one the  
forty who remained.  

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