The History of a Crime

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forced, the Palace is full of soldiers. Get up!"  
The General opened his eyes, he saw Commissary Bertoglio standing beside  
his bed.  
He sprang up.  
General," said the Commissary, "I have come to fulfil a duty."  
I understand," said General Leflô, "you are a traitor."  
The Commissary stammering out the words, "Plot against the safety of the  
State," displayed a warrant. The General, without pronouncing a word,  
struck this infamous paper with the back of his hand.  
Then dressing himself, he put on his full uniform of Constantine and of  
Médéah, thinking in his imaginative, soldier-like loyalty that there were  
still generals of Africa for the soldiers whom he would find on his way.  
All the generals now remaining were brigands. His wife embraced him; his  
son, a child of seven years, in his nightshirt, and in tears, said to the  
Commissary of Police, "Mercy, Monsieur Bonaparte."  
The General, while clasping his wife in his arms, whispered in her ear,  
There is artillery in the courtyard, try and fire a cannon."  
The Commissary and his men led him away. He regarded these policemen with  
contempt, and did not speak to them, but when he recognized Colonel  
Espinasse, his military and Breton heart swelled with indignation.  

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