The History of a Crime

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This man says he is named Bonaparte. He lies, for Bonaparte is a  
word which means glory. This man says that he is named Napoléon. He  
lies, for Napoléon is a word which means genius. As for him, he is  
obscure and insignificant. Give this wretch up to the law. Soldiers,  
he is a false Napoléon. A true Napoléon would once more give you a  
Marengo; he will once more give you a Transnonain.  
Look towards the true function of the French army; to protect the  
country, to propagate the Revolution, to free the people, to sustain  
the nationalities, to emancipate the Continent, to break chains  
everywhere, to protect Right everywhere, this is your part amongst  
the armies of Europe. You are worthy of great battle-fields.  
Soldiers, the French Army is the advanced guard of humanity.  
Become yourselves again, reflect; acknowledge your faults; rise up!  
Think of your Generals arrested, taken by the collar by galley  
sergeants and thrown handcuffed into robbers' cells! The malefactor,  
who is at the Elysée, thinks that the Army of France is a band of  
mercenaries; that if they are paid and intoxicated they will obey.  
He sets you an infamous task, he causes you to strangle, in this  
nineteenth century, and in Paris itself, Liberty, Progress, and  
Civilization. He makes you--you, the children of France--destroy all  
that France has so gloriously and laboriously built up during the  
three centuries of light and in sixty years of Revolution! Soldiers!  
you are the 'Grand Army!' respect the 'Grand Nation!'  

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