The History of a Crime

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That the honors of the Panthéon are adjudged to Representative Baudin.  
Given in Permanent Session, 3d December, 1851."  
After honor to the dead and the needs of the conflict it was  
necessary in my opinion to enunciate immediately and dictatorially  
some great popular benefit. I proposed the abolition of the octroi  
duties and of the duty on liquors. This objection was raised, "No  
caresses to the people! After victory, we will see. In the meantime  
let them fight! If they do not fight, if they do not rise, if they do  
not understand that it is for them, for their rights that we the  
Representatives, that we risk our heads at this moment--if they leave  
us alone at the breach, in the presence of the coup d'état--it is  
because they are not worthy of Liberty!"  
Bancel remarked that the abolition of the octroi duties and the duty  
on liquors were not caresses to the People, but succor to the poor, a  
great economical and reparatory measure, a satisfaction to the public  
demand--a satisfaction which the Right had always obstinately refused,  
and that the Left, master of the situation, ought hasten to accord. They  
voted, with the reservation that it should not be published until after  
victory, the two decrees in one; in this form:--  
The Representatives remaining at liberty decree:  
The Octroi Duties are abolished throughout the extent of the  

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