The History of a Crime

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in his crime will vanish away. By simply folding our arms as we stand  
around him he will fall. On the other hand, fire on him and you will  
consolidate him. The army is intoxicated, the people are dazed and do not  
interfere, the middle classes are afraid of the President, of the people,  
of you, of every one! No victory is possible. You will go straight before  
you, like brave men, you risk your heads, very good; you will carry with  
you two or three thousand daring men, whose blood mingled with yours,  
already flows. It is heroic, I grant you. It is not politic. As for me,  
I will not print an appeal to arms, and I reject the combat. Let us  
organize an universal strike."  
This point of view was haughty and superb, but unfortunately I felt it  
to be unattainable. Two aspects of the truth seized Girardin, the  
logical side and the practical side. Here, in my opinion, the practical  
side was wanting.  
Michel de Bourges answered him. Michel de Bourges with his sound logic  
and quick reasoning put his finger on what was for us the immediate  
question; the crime of Louis Bonaparte, the necessity to rise up erect  
before this crime. It was rather a conversation than a debate, but  
Michel de Bourges and Jules Favre, who spoke next, raised it to the  
highest eloquence. Jules Favre, worthy to understand the powerful mind  
of Girardin would willingly have adopted this idea, if it had seemed  
practicable, of the universal strike, of the void around the man; he  
found it great, but impossible. A nation does not pull up short. Even  
when struck to the heart, it still moves on. Social movement, which is  
the animal life of society, survives all political movement. Whatever  
Emile de Girardin might hope, there would always be a butcher who would  

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