The History of a Crime

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to place myself at your disposal."  
9] "There was also a misunderstanding respecting the appointed time.  
Some made a mistake, and thought it was nine o'clock. The first arrivals  
impatiently awaited their colleagues. They were, as we have said, some  
twelve or fifteen in number at half-past eight. 'Time is being lost,'  
exclaimed one of them who had hardly entered; 'let us gird on our sashes;  
let us show the Representatives to the People, let us join it in raising  
barricades.' We shall perhaps save the country, at all events we shall  
save the honor of our party. 'Come, let us to the barricades!' This  
advice was immediately and unanimously acclaimed: one alone, Citizen  
Baudin, interposed the forcible objection, 'we are not sufficiently  
numerous to adopt such a resolution.' But he spiritedly joined in the  
general enthusiasm, and with a calm conscience, after having reserved  
the principle, he was not the last to gird on his sash."--SCHOELCHER,  
Histoire des Crimes du 2d Decembre, pp. 130-131.  

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