The History of a Crime

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fight for you and with you!"  
The Representatives consulted whether they should accept this offer.  
Schoelcher was inclined to do so. But one of them remarked that some  
Mobile Guards had made the same overtures to the insurgents of June, and  
had turned against the Insurrection the arms which the Insurrection had  
left them.  
The muskets therefore were not restored.  
The disarming having been accomplished, the muskets were counted; there  
were fifteen of them.  
We are a hundred and fifty," said Cournet, "we have not enough  
Well, then," said Schoelcher, "where is there a post?"  
At the Lenoir Market."  
Let us disarm it."  
With Schoelcher at their head and escorted by fifteen armed men the  
Representatives proceeded to the Lenoir Market. The post of the Lenoir  
Market allowed themselves to be disarmed even more willingly than the  
post in the Rue de Montreuil. The soldiers turned themselves round so  
that the cartridges might be taken from their pouches.  

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