The History of a Crime

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"In the Rue de Cotte."  
"Where is the CafĂ© Roysin?"  
"Straight before us."  
"Drive there."  
He drove on, but slowly. There was another explosion, this time close by  
us, the end of the street became filled with smoke; at the moment we  
were passing No. 22, which has a side-door above which I  
read, "Petit Lavoir."  
Suddenly a voice called out to the driver, "Stop!"  
The driver pulled up, and the window of the fiacre being down, a hand  
was stretched towards mine. I recognized Alexander Rey.  
This daring man was pale.  
Go no further," said he; "all is at an end."  
What do you mean, all at an end?"  
Yes, they must have anticipated the time appointed; the barricade is  
taken: I have just come from it. It is a few steps from here straight  
before us."  

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