The History of a Crime

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that the soldiers had searched several houses in the neighborhood.  
According to details which we learned subsequently, we were followed  
after leaving No. 2, Quai Jemmapes, by an agent of police, who saw us  
enter the house where a M. Cornet was lodging, and who at once proceeded  
to the Prefecture to denounce our place of refuge to his chiefs. The  
regiment sent to arrest us surrounded the house, ransacked it from attic  
to cellar, found nothing, and went away.  
This quasi-synonym of Cornet and Cournet lead misled the bloodhounds of  
the coup d'état. Chance, we see, had interposed usefully in our  
I was talking at the door with Baudin, and we were making some last  
arrangements, when a young man with a chestnut beard, dressed like a man  
of fashion, and possessing all the manners of one, and whom I had  
noticed while speaking, came up to me.  
"Monsieur Victor Hugo," said he, "where are you going to sleep?"  
Up to that moment I had not thought of this.  
It was far from prudent to go home.  
In truth," I answered, "I have not the least idea."  
Will you come to my house?"  
I shall be very happy."  

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