The History of a Crime

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We are," said I, "we are Truth and Justice! We are the supreme and  
sovereign power, the People incarnate--Right!"  
I continued,--  
Louis Bonaparte at every minute which elapses advances a step further  
in his crime. For him nothing is inviolable, nothing is sacred; this  
morning he violated the Palace of the Representatives of the Nation, a  
few hours later he laid violent hands on their persons; to-morrow,  
perhaps in a few moments, he will shed their blood. Well then! he  
marches upon us, let us march upon him. The danger grows greater, let us  
grow greater with the danger."  
A movement of assent passed through the Assembly. I continued,--  
"I repeat and insist. Let us show no mercy to this wretched Bonaparte  
for any of the enormities which his outrage contains. As he has drawn  
the wine--I should say the blood--he must drink it up. We are not  
individuals, we are the Nation. Each of us walks forth clothed with the  
Sovereignty of the people. He cannot strike our persons without rending  
that. Let us compel his volleys to pierce our sashes as well as our  
breasts. This man is on a road where logic grasps him and leads him to  
parricide. What he is killing in this moment is the country! Well, then!  
when the ball of Executive Power pierces the sash of Legislative Power,  
it is visible parricide! It is this that must be understood!"  
We are  

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