The History of a Crime

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Nothing," said I.  
And what are you going to do?"  
By the tone of my voice he understood that further persistence was  
Good-bye," he said.  
We parted. He disappeared in the darkness. I have never seen him since.  
I went up again to Lafon's rooms.  
In the meantime the copies of the appeal to arms did not come to hand.  
The Representatives, becoming uneasy, went up and downstairs. Some of  
them went out on the Quai Jemmapes, to wait there and gain information  
about them. In the room there was a sound of confused talking the  
members of the Committee, Madier de Montjau, Jules Favre, and Carnot,  
withdrew, and sent word to me by Charamaule that they were going to No.  
0, Rue des Moulins, to the house of the ex-Constituent Landrin, in the  
division of the 5th Legion, to deliberate more at their ease, and they  
begged me to join them. But I thought I should do better to remain. I  
had placed myself at the disposal of the probable movement of the  
Faubourg St. Marceau. I awaited the notice of it through Auguste. It was  
most important that I should not go too far away; besides, it was  
possible that if I went away, the Representatives of the Left, no  

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