The History of a Crime

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an end. Our duty is to bring on the battle, our right is to cross swords  
with the coup d'état. It must not be allowed to capture us, it must  
seek us and not find us. We must deceive the arm which it stretches out  
against us, we must remain concealed from Bonaparte, we must harass him,  
weary him, astonish him, exhaust him, disappear and reappear unceasingly,  
change our hiding-place, and always fight him, be always before him, and  
never beneath his hand. Let us not leave the field. We have not numbers,  
let us have daring."  
They approved of this. "It is right," said they, "but where shall we go?"  
Labrousse said,--  
"Our former colleague of the Constituent Assembly, Beslay, offers us his  
Where does he live?"  
No. 33, Rue de la Cérisaie, in the Marais."  
Very well," answered I, "let us separate. We will meet again in two  
hours at Beslay's, No. 33, Rue de la Cérisaie."  
All left; one after another, and in different directions. I begged  
Charamaule to go to my house and wait for me there, and I walked out with  
Noël Parfait and Lafon.  
We reached the then still uninhabited district which skirts the ramparts.  

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