The History of a Crime

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rudely, without deference for either age or name. Colonel Feray, on  
horseback, superintended and directed operations. As he mounted the steps  
of the last vehicle but one, the Duc de Montebello cried out to him,  
To-day is the anniversary of the battle of Austerlitz, and the  
son-in-law of Marshal Bugeaud compels the son of Marshal Lannes to enter  
a convict's van."  
When the last omnibus was reached, there were only seventeen places for  
eighteen Representatives. The most active mounted first. Antony Thouret,  
who himself alone equalled the whole of the Right, for he had as much  
mind as Thiers and as much stomach as Murat; Antony Thouret, corpulent  
and lethargic, was the last. When he appeared on the threshold of the  
omnibus in all his hugeness, a cry of alarm arose;--Where was he going to  
Antony Thouret, noticing Berryer at the bottom of the omnibus, went  
straight up to him, sat down on his knees, and quietly said to him, "You  
wanted 'compression,' Monsieur Berryer. Now you have it."  
8] Michel de Bourges had thus characterized Louis Bonaparte as the  
guardian of the Republic against the Monarchical parties.  

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