The History of a Crime

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Morny. M. de Morny said, "Now the struggle has begun. Excellent! These  
are the last Representatives who will be made prisoners."  
5] The Gerontes, or Gerontia, were the Elders of Sparta, who constituted  
the Senate.  
6] The "bureau" of the Assembly consists of the President, for the time  
being of the Assembly, assisted by six secretaries, whose duties mainly  
lie in deciding in what sense the Deputies have voted. The "bureau" of  
the Assembly should not be confounded with the fifteen "bureaux" of the  
Deputies, which answer to our Select Committees of the House of Commons,  
and are presided over by self-chosen Presidents.  
7] An allusion to the twenty-five francs a day officially payable to the  
members of the Assembly.  

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