The History of a Crime

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the face, exclaimed, "Yes, I accept the charge you offer me. I accept the  
charge of defending the Republic! Nothing but the Republic! Do you  
perfectly understand?"  
A unanimous shout answered him. "Long live the Republic!"  
"Ah!" said Beslay, "the voice comes back to you as on the Fourth of May."  
Long live the Republic! Nothing but the Republic!" repeated the men of  
the Right, Oudinot louder than the others. All arms were stretched  
towards Tamisier, every hand pressed his. Oh Danger! irresistible  
converter! In his last hour the Atheist invokes God, and the Royalist the  
Republic. They cling to that which they have repudiated.  
The official historians of the coup d'état have stated that at the  
beginning of the sitting two Representatives had been sent by the  
Assembly to the Ministry of the Interior to "negotiate." What is certain  
is that these two Representatives had no authority. They presented  
themselves, not on behalf of the Assembly, but in their own name. They  
offered themselves as intermediaries to procure a peaceable termination  
of the catastrophe which had begun. With an honesty which bordered on  
simplicity they summoned Morny to yield himself a prisoner, and to return  
within the law, declaring that in case of refusal the Assembly would do  
its duty, and call the people to the defence of the Constitution and of  
the Republic. Marny answered them with a smile, accompanied by these  
plain words, "If you appeal to arms, and if I find any Representatives on  
the barricades, I will have them all shot to the last man."  

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