The History of a Crime

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who probably earned his cross of honor, the officers were respectful, the  
sergeants brutal.  
A lieutenant showing signs of flinching, a sergeant cried out to him,  
"You are not the only one who commands here! Come, therefore, march!"  
M. de Vatimesnil asked a soldier, "Will you dare to arrest us--us, the  
Representatives of the People?"  
Assuredly!" said the soldier.  
Several soldiers hearing some Representatives say that they had eaten  
nothing since the morning, offered them their ration bread. Some  
Representatives accepted. M. de Tocqueville, who was unwell, and who was  
noticed to be pale and leaning on the sill of a window, received from a  
soldier a piece of this bread, which he shared with M. Chambolle.  
Two Commissaries of Police appeared in "full dress," in black coats  
girded with their sash-girdles and their black corded hats. One was an  
old man, the other a young man. The first was named Lemoine-Tacherat, and  
not Bacherel, as has been wrongly printed: the second was named Barlet.  
These names should be noted. The unprecedented assurance of this Barlet  
was remarked. Nothing was wanting in him,--cynical speech, provoking  
gesture, sardonic intonation. It was with an inexpressible air of  
insolence that Barlet, when summoning the meeting to dissolve itself,  
added, "Rightly or Wrongly." They murmured on the benches of the  
Assembly, "Who is this scoundrel?" The other, compared to him, seemed  

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