The History of a Crime

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particular, remained in the courtyard, mingling with the National Guards  
and citizens.  
They talked of what they were going to do.  
This was the first difficulty.  
The Father of the meeting was M. de Kératry.  
Was he going to preside?  
The Representatives who were assembled in the Great Hall were in his  
The Representatives remaining in the courtyard hesitated.  
Marc Dufraisse went up to MM. Jules de Lasteyrie and Léon de Maleville,  
who had stayed behind with the Representatives of the Left, and said to  
them, "What are they thinking of upstairs? To make Kératry President? The  
name of Kératry would frighten the people as thoroughly as mine would  
frighten the middle classes."  
A member of the Right, M. de Keranflech, came up, and intending to  
support the objection, added, "And then, think of Kératry's age. It is  
madness to pit a man of eighty against this hour of danger."  
But Esquiros exclaimed,--  

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