The Gilded Age

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now that the ayes and nays could be called and placed on record, every  
man was compelled to vote by name on the three millions, and indeed on  
every paragraph of the bill from the enacting clause straight through.  
But as before, the friends of the measure stood firm and voted in a solid  
body every time, and so did its enemies.  
The supreme moment was come, now, but so sure was the result that not  
even a voice was raised to interpose an adjournment. The enemy were  
totally demoralized. The bill was put upon its final passage almost  
without dissent, and the calling of the ayes and nays began. When it was  
ended the triumph was complete--the two-thirds vote held good, and a veto  
was impossible, as far as the House was concerned!  
Mr. Buckstone resolved that now that the nail was driven home, he would  
clinch it on the other side and make it stay forever. He moved a  
reconsideration of the vote by which the bill had passed. The motion was  
lost, of course, and the great Industrial University act was an  
accomplished fact as far as it was in the power of the House of  
Representatives to make it so.  
There was no need to move an adjournment. The instant the last motion  
was decided, the enemies of the University rose and flocked out of the  
Hall, talking angrily, and its friends flocked after them jubilant and  
congratulatory. The galleries disgorged their burden, and presently the  
house was silent and deserted.  

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